Exchange rate of Mauritanian Ouguiya in Tunisian Dinar in Tunisia

Saturday 14 December 2024
10 mru = 0.7947 TND
+0.2523% (+0.0020)
source: Banque Centrale de Tunisie (2024-12-12)

Exchange rates from Mauritanian Ouguiya to Tunisian Dinar at banks and exchange offices in Tunisia.

Mauritanian Ouguiya exchange rates at exchange offices

City Purchase Sale
* The list above concerns only platform registered exchange offices
** The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.

Mauritanian Ouguiya exchange rates at banks

Status Purchase Sale
* The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
Banks best rates
Purchase -
Sale -
based on 0/16 bank(s) rates on 14/12/2024
Best Rates
Purchase: -
Sale: -
Purchase Sale
Minimum - -
Average - -
Maximum - -

Mauritanian Ouguiya variation history

10 days history

Date Value Variation %Variation
11/12/2024 0.7927 +0.0020 +0.2523%
10/12/2024 0.7934 +0.0013 +0.1639%
09/12/2024 0.7923 +0.0024 +0.3029%
06/12/2024 0.7915 +0.0032 +0.4043%
05/12/2024 0.7927 +0.0020 +0.2523%
04/12/2024 0.7951 -0.0004 -0.0503%
03/12/2024 0.7967 -0.0020 -0.2510%
02/12/2024 0.7930 +0.0017 +0.2144%
29/11/2024 0.7910 +0.0037 +0.4678%
28/11/2024 0.7925 +0.0022 +0.2776%

Historical data

Period Value Variation %Variation
1 week 0.7927 +0.0020 +0.2523%
1 month 0.7893 +0.0054 +0.6842%
3 months 0.7694 +0.0253 +3.2883%
6 months 0.7901 +0.0046 +0.5822%
1 January 0.7814 +0.0133 +1.7021%
1 year 0.7905 +0.0042 +0.5313%
3 years 0.7925 +0.0022 +0.2776%
5 years 0.7563 +0.0384 +5.0774%
10 years 0.6330 +0.1617 +25.5450%