Exchange rate of Danish krone in Tunisian Dinar in Tunisia

Thursday 05 December 2024
100 dkk = 44.5532 TND
-0.0776% (-0.0346)
source: Banque Centrale de Tunisie (2024-12-04)

Exchange rates from Danish krone to Tunisian Dinar at banks and exchange offices in Tunisia.

Danish krone exchange rates at banks

Status Purchase Sale
Best Rates 44.2410 0.1010
Zitouna 2024-12-05 43.7740 45.3560
La Poste Tunisienne 2024-12-05 41.9730 45.2980
BIAT 2024-12-05 0.1000 0.1010
Attijari Bank 2024-12-05 43.7680 45.4170
Al Baraka 2024-12-05 43.4960 45.0180
BTK 2024-12-05 44.2410 44.8880
BTL 2024-12-05 44.2410 46.0310
QNB 2024-12-04 44.1300 45.1780
UIB 2024-12-03 43.9350 44.9820
ATB 2024-12-03 43.9780 45.4720
Amen Banque 2024-12-02 43.9390 44.9550
* The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.

Danish krone exchange rates at exchange offices

City Purchase Sale
We Exchange Ennasr 2
2024-12-05 17:51
Ariana 35.0000 47.0000   
El Mourouj exchange
2024-12-05 15:34
El Mourouj 44.5180 45.7530   
Banlieu Sud Change
2024-12-05 09:29
Ezzahra 44.5180 45.7530   
* The list above concerns only platform registered exchange offices
** The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
Banks best rates
Purchase 44.2410
Sale 0.1010
based on 9/15 bank(s) rates on 05/12/2024
Best Rates
Purchase: 44.2410
Sale: 0.1010
Purchase Sale
Minimum 0.1000 0.1010
Average 36.2253 37.8702
Maximum 44.2410 46.0310

Danish krone variation history

10 days history

Date Value Variation %Variation
03/12/2024 44.5878 -0.0346 -0.0776%
02/12/2024 44.5770 -0.0238 -0.0534%
29/11/2024 44.6682 -0.1150 -0.2575%
28/11/2024 44.6578 -0.1046 -0.2342%
27/11/2024 44.6923 -0.1391 -0.3112%
26/11/2024 44.6470 -0.0938 -0.2101%
25/11/2024 44.6911 -0.1379 -0.3086%
22/11/2024 44.5662 -0.0130 -0.0292%
21/11/2024 44.6932 -0.1400 -0.3132%
20/11/2024 44.7523 -0.1991 -0.4449%

Historical data

Period Value Variation %Variation
1 week 44.6923 -0.1391 -0.3112%
1 month 45.2260 -0.6728 -1.4876%
3 months 45.3149 -0.7617 -1.6809%
6 months 45.3093 -0.7561 -1.6688%
1 January 45.3884 -0.8352 -1.8401%
1 year 45.3192 -0.7660 -1.6902%
3 years 43.6886 +0.8646 +1.9790%
5 years 42.3801 +2.1731 +5.1276%
10 years 30.6596 +13.8936 +45.3157%