Currency exchange rates at ATB

Thursday 25 April 2024 - 11:00

Currency exchange rates in tunisian dinar at Arab Tunisian Bank (ATB) on Thursday 25 April 2024

Code Unit Purchase Sale
sar 10 8.2550 8.5350
cad 1 2.2640 2.3400
dkk 100 44.5180 46.0310
usd 1 3.1110 3.1910
gbp 1 3.8740 4.0060
jpy 1000 19.8950 20.5710
nok 100 28.2700 29.2300
sek 10 2.8530 2.9500
chf 10 33.9090 35.0610
kwd 1 10.0610 10.4030
aed 10 8.4300 8.7160
eur 1 3.3370 3.4240
lyd 1 0.6340 0.6560
bhd 1 8.2120 8.4910
qar 10 8.4910 8.7790
* The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.

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