Exchange rate of United Arab Emirates Dirham in Tunisian Dinar in Tunisia

Tuesday 22 October 2024
10 aed = 8.4297 TND
-0.2520% (-0.0213)
source: Banque Centrale de Tunisie (2024-10-18)

Exchange rates from United Arab Emirates Dirham to Tunisian Dinar at banks and exchange offices in Tunisia.

United Arab Emirates Dirham exchange rates at banks

Status Purchase Sale
Best Rates 8.2510 8.6050
Attijari Bank 2024-10-22 8.2510 8.6050
BNA 2024-10-21 8.2000 8.5700
BTK 2024-10-21 8.3700 8.4910
BIAT 2024-10-21 8.2480 8.5190
BH 2024-10-21 8.2640 8.5710
BT 2024-10-21 8.2500 8.5380
La Poste Tunisienne 2024-10-21 8.3910 8.5500
Wifak Bank 2024-10-21 8.2800 8.5100
STB 2024-10-21 8.2820 8.5390
BTL 2024-10-21 8.0000 8.7540
UIB 2024-10-21 8.3100 8.5070
Zitouna 2024-10-21 8.3060 8.5540
Al Baraka 2024-10-21 8.2880 8.4890
Amen Banque 2024-10-21 8.3150 8.5960
TSB 2024-10-18 8.2340 8.6340
QNB 2024-10-17 8.3460 8.5430
* The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.

United Arab Emirates Dirham exchange rates at exchange offices

City Purchase Sale
Ghayth Change
2024-10-22 08:55
Chebba 8.2400 8.4000   
Habib Exchange
2024-10-22 08:31
Ariana 8.3100 0.0000   
BC of World
2024-10-22 08:32
Ariana 8.2600 8.4300   
Tounsi Exchange Soukra
2024-10-22 08:07
Ariana 8.3350 8.4300   
Multi Change
2024-10-22 08:35
La Marsa 8.3100 8.4000   
Sousse Change
2024-10-22 08:10
Kantaoui 8.3400 8.4400   
La Casa De Change
2024-10-22 07:33
Ariana 8.3500 8.4300   
Flash Cash Exchange
2024-10-22 07:36
Ariana 8.3700 8.9000   
Global Change
2024-10-22 08:06
Sfax 8.3400 8.6000   
Mina Change
2024-10-22 08:43
Sousse 8.3500 8.3900   
Neji Currency Exchange
2024-10-21 13:05
Moknine 8.3750 0.0000   
Moknine Change
2024-10-21 16:14
Moknine 8.3600 8.5600   
City Change Sousse
2024-10-21 15:24
Sousse 8.3640 8.7550   
El Bankeji Exchange
2024-10-21 14:06
Sayada 8.3500 0.0000   
Sanary Change
2024-10-21 16:13
Ariana 8.3500 8.4000   
2024-10-21 16:34
Tunis 8.3500 8.4500   
We Exchange Ennasr 2
2024-10-21 16:27
Ariana 8.2100 8.5500   
City Change 14 Janvier
2024-10-21 11:59
Sousse 8.3930 8.8500   
Kricha Change
2024-10-21 14:10
Monastir 8.1520 8.4430   
Monta Change
2024-10-21 11:38
Sfax 8.3450 8.4000   
Floussi Change
2024-10-21 10:16
Sfax 8.3600 8.5000   
Bureau de Change El Manar El Saoud
2024-10-21 07:14
Tunis 8.3500 8.4000   
Bassatine Exchange
2024-10-21 10:53
Sfax 8.3600 8.5000   
Hdidar Change
2024-10-21 12:25
Sfax 8.3400 8.5000   
Karam Change
2024-10-21 20:31
Tunis 8.3650 8.5000   
Mondial Change
2024-10-21 21:12
Tunis 8.3700 8.4500   
البنكاجية / Al Bankajia
2024-10-21 10:10
Nabeul 8.3300 8.4000   
2024-10-21 10:13
Hammamet 8.3300 8.8000   
Samiha Exchange
2024-10-21 09:12
Tunis 8.3400 0.0000   
FiXi Exchange
2024-10-21 09:52
Tunis 8.3500 8.5000   
KA Change Al Amine
2024-10-21 16:41
Sfax 8.3000 8.6000   
Ice Exchange
2024-10-21 10:37
Tunis 8.3000 8.4800   
Skill Exchange
2024-10-21 14:07
La Marsa 8.3400 8.4600   
Bureau De Change El Manar
2024-10-21 13:49
Tunis 8.3400 8.4000   
El Mourouj exchange
2024-10-21 09:39
El Mourouj 8.3220 8.4910   
Banlieu Sud Change
2024-10-21 09:46
Ezzahra 8.3220 8.4090   
Banlieu Sud Change Hamam lif
2024-10-21 11:54
Hammam Lif 8.3220 8.4090   
$Yrin€ Change
2024-10-21 12:15
Sfax 8.3400 8.4500   
Syphax Exchange
2024-10-21 12:35
Sfax 8.3400 8.5000   
* The list above concerns only platform registered exchange offices
** The website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
Banks best rates
Purchase 8.2510
Sale 8.6050
based on 1/17 bank(s) rates on 22/10/2024
Best Rates
Purchase: 8.2510
Attijari Bank
Sale: 8.6050
Attijari Bank
Purchase Sale
Minimum 8.2510 8.6050
Average 8.2510 8.6050
Maximum 8.2510 8.6050

United Arab Emirates Dirham variation history

10 days history

Date Value Variation %Variation
17/10/2024 8.4510 -0.0213 -0.2520%
16/10/2024 8.4175 +0.0122 +0.1449%
14/10/2024 8.4054 +0.0243 +0.2891%
11/10/2024 8.3888 +0.0409 +0.4876%
10/10/2024 8.3923 +0.0374 +0.4456%
09/10/2024 8.3855 +0.0442 +0.5271%
08/10/2024 8.3694 +0.0603 +0.7205%
07/10/2024 8.3682 +0.0615 +0.7349%
04/10/2024 8.3684 +0.0613 +0.7325%
03/10/2024 8.3411 +0.0886 +1.0622%

Historical data

Period Value Variation %Variation
1 week 8.3888 +0.0409 +0.4876%
1 month 8.2719 +0.1578 +1.9077%
3 months 8.4247 +0.0050 +0.0593%
6 months 8.5879 -0.1582 -1.8421%
1 January 8.4174 +0.0123 +0.1461%
1 year 8.6570 -0.2273 -2.6256%
3 years 7.6748 +0.7549 +9.8361%
5 years 7.6871 +0.7426 +9.6603%
10 years 4.8578 +3.5719 +73.5292%
Best rates
Banque Centrale de Tunisie Attijari Bank BIAT BH STB UIB BTK Al Baraka Wifak Bank Amen Banque BTL La Poste Tunisienne BNA Zitouna BT TSB QNB ATB BTE TF Bank
United Arab Emirates Dirham Bahraini Dinar Canadian Dollar Swiss Franc Chinese Yuan Danish krone Algerian Dinar Euro Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Kuwaiti Dinar Libyan Dinar Moroccan Dirham Mauritanian Ouguiya Norwegian Krone Qatari Riyal Saudi Riyal Swedish krona United States Dollar
Exchange offices
Ariana Bizerte Chebba Djerba Djerba - Midoun Douz El Jem El Mourouj Ezzahra Gabès Hammam Lif Hammam Sousse Hammamet Jemmal Kairouan Kantaoui Kasserine Kélibia Ksar Hellal Ksour Essef La Marsa Le Bardo Mahdia Mareth Menzel Temime Moknine Monastir M'saken Nabeul Ras Jebel Sayada Sfax Sidi Alouane Sidi Bouzid Sousse Tozeur Tunis Zarzis Zéramdine